Sydney was born on Thursday August 19th, 2010 at 8:34pm. She is very healthy and a great baby. We are all happy to be home and enjoying our time as a family of 4. Labour was intense and now I am in the process of healing and have an appointement today to receive my Sandostatin injection (yipee). I am anxious to get the benefits and start feeling better. As I mentioned in my last post, I was experiencing Acro symptoms -snoring, sore jaw, bizarre sensations in my head and trouble sleeping just to mention a few. However, with pregnancy, my symptoms were 10x worse. As a result, I am bottle feeding and cannot breastfeed. Mom needs to be at her best to care for her children!
I have asked my family doctor to administer my injection as I am still in the process of seeking a private nurse. My Insurance Company has sent me the paper work for my Endo to fill-out. After speaking to a representative from my Insurance Company, my chances of being accepted are good. In the meantime, I hope to have my family doctor keep administering until this is all sorted out. Kinda sad when the patient is the one who has to be her best advocate.
All the best,