On December 17th, 2009, I found out that I was pregnant. Could it be true after 6 miscarriages in 5 years??? Well, it was confirmed with a blood test. I knew that I had to stop my Sandostatin and Diovan ASAP and call my Endocronologist.
Here I am today, full of nausea, fatigue and Acro symptoms already. My eye lids are slowly swelling, my nose is enlarging and my jaw and joints crack daily. It is all worth it though. The residual tumour will be monitored by Visual Field testing at the Optomotrist (No MRI for me) and lots of bloodwork. The baby is fine at this time. I had an early Ultrasound and the heart was beating and everything else was were it was suppose to be. My next Ultrasound is on Feb 10th.
My husband and I are still cautious but really hope that I carry through my 9 months!!!
Oh, Julie! I am so excited to hear the news! Please keep me updated on your (and baby's) progress! I will keep you both in prayer.
Hi Alecia,
Thank you so much for your message. Yes, finally a miracle has happened. I'm however having a really difficult time with many symptoms from pregnancy and Acromegaly. It is worth it. I will keep my blog updated.
Hope all is well with you and your family.
congratulations! i just noticed your profile by accident. i am new to acromegaly bloggers and i happened to see that you are from canada as well. in fact, michael schwartz also removed (most of) my adenoma in june 2005. and, i was also pregnant post-op and now have a wonderful 2&1/2 year old boy. i have never met anyone with acromegaly. the funny thing is i used to live in toronto for 9 years but no longer. anyway, i was wondering if we may somehow chat. maybe i can join acromegaly blogger. i still have to figure it out. i just thought i'd sort of introduce myself. hope to talk to you soon, mahta.
Hi Mahta,
So sorry to hear you have Acromegaly. Before my diagnosis, I had never heard of the disease. But am fortunate that I finally had a diagnosis cause life was just not liveable.
I would love to chat with you but I am not one to go to my computer too often.
Please email me at mjstjean@cogeco.ca
Take care,
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